The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed Friday above the key 40,000 level for the first time in history, a day after hitting that benchmark in the previous trading session. The 30-stock average rose 134.21 points, or 0.34%, to 40,003.59. The S&P 500 inched up 6.17 points, or 0.12%, to 5,303.27, while Nasdaq Composite ended down 12.35…
Frontier Airlines said it will stop charging customers a fee to change their flights, taking a page from larger competitors…
Americans are kicking the can down the road on some more-costly, traditionally financed purchases as elevated inflation and interest…
Passing major milestones such as the 40,000 barrier the Dow Jones Industrial Average eclipsed this week makes for a…
Workers at two Mercedes-Benz factories in Alabama have voted against joining the United Auto Workers, the largest autoworkers union…
As part of Tesla’s massive restructuring, the electric-vehicle maker notified the California Employment Development Department this week that it’s cutting approximately…
The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached a milestone Thursday that seemed unfathomable a year ago. A trader at the New York…
LAS VEGAS — The iconic Mirage hotel-casino on the Las Vegas Strip will shut its doors this summer, the…
What retail apocalypse? Online home goods retailer Wayfair is opening its first namesake store, near Chicago, following a string of other…